Okeechobee County
Education Association
OCEA Officers
President - Jorje Botello
Secretary - Wendy Moreno
Treasurer - Jeri Raulerson
Office Address and Hours
102 SW 15th Street
Tel: 863-467-1564
Mon. Open for Meetings
Tues. 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Wed. & Thurs 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Fri. Open for Meetings
Becoming a Member
Who can join?
Currently employed certified school personnel, including all teachers, librarians, and counselors as defined in an appropriate bargaining unit are eligible for membership.
Currently employed non-certified school personnel, including all eligible education support personnel as defined in an appropriate bargaining unit are eligible for membership.
Benefits of joining.
Click the Membership Benefits button above to view all the benefits to joining.
Your professional association offers many benefits to its members: liability protection, confidential assistance on work related concerns, subscriptions to professional journals, legislative representation, leadership training opportunities, and more.
In the past, OCEA has secured your cafeteria insurance plan, free athletic event passes, duty free lunch and representation on committees that affect your working conditions.
How can you join?
To join we need a completed application. Click the button above to download the Membership Application.
Dues are as follows:
Instructional Staff $26.25/pay
Classified Staff $15/pay
Who to contact about joining?
Print out the Member Application and hand it to your Building Rep. A list of building reps can be seen below:
Building Representatives
OHS: Brynne Talas
OFC: Jeri Raulerson
OMS: Shannon Stripling
YMS: Wendy Moreno
NES: Alicia Walker
CES: Cheryl Gumz
SEM: Judy Hubbard
EES: Beki Moore, DeAnn Rhoden
SES: Jessica Priewe
OAA: Albert Whiteside
TRANS/MAINT: Donna Whittaker
FYRE: Megan Brookhart
Support Staff
Cristal Cruz is our interim Treasure Coast Service Unit Director. She is our FEA representative. Any problems or concerns- Cristal is the person to get in touch with